How to properly clean a dusty phone speaker?
If you find that your phone speakers don't provide pure sound quality and are getting noisy, your phone's speakers may need cleaning. Usually, your phone's speakers attract a lot of dust for a variety of reasons. Frequent use of mobile phones, the speaker surface will inevitably absorb dust. If you leave it unwashed for a long time, the dust layer can cake up and seep into the surface. This prevents phone speakers from doing their best work. So how do we clean our phone speakers effectively and correctly?
Why do you need to clean your phone speakers so often?
Cleaning the speaker area of your phone often means preventing dust from seeping into the surface. If you ignore the frequent cleaning of your phone's speakers, those stubborn clumps of dust could cause your phone's speakers to stop working. When you're on the phone, you may also have trouble hearing what's being said in a jumble of voices.
Cleaning the fragile part of your phone's speaker may sound tricky, but in this article, we'll show you how you can do it without hurting your phone.
How to clean your phone speakers?
Step 1: Wash your hands
Wash your hands before cleaning the phone speakers. Yes, you need to clean your hands first. This will prevent dust particles from moving to your phone. After washing your hands, dry them with a clean towel.
Step 2: Power off your phone
Before you start cleaning the speakers, you should turn off your phone. This is an important step. Don't wash your phone while it's on. Otherwise, it may affect the normal use of the mobile phone.
Step 3: Use a toothbrush
Once the phone is turned off, you can start cleaning the speaker. You need a toothbrush with soft bristles. It could be an old, used toothbrush, but make sure it's clean first! If you have a spare toothbrush for your child, you can also use it, as they are smaller and have softer bristles.
Step 4: Brush the speaker port
Check your phone speaker port. Brush gently with a toothbrush. When cleaning your phone's speakers, remember not to scrub, as bristles can also damage your phone if they get inside. Just gently brush away the dirt particles.
Step 5: Shake gently
After you've cleaned out the dirt particles, gently shake your phone to remove any remaining dirt.
Step 6: Wipe your phone
The final step is to wipe your phone clean to make sure no dust remains on the surface. Get a wet cloth and wipe it. But don't wipe your phone with a dripping cloth; Make sure you squeeze the water out of the towel before touching the cloth to the surface of the phone.
Step 7: Clean with a dry cloth
Once the cleaning is complete, let the surface dry. Then wipe the phone and its speaker area thoroughly with a dry cloth to remove all moisture.
That's how to wash your phone's speaker properly. In fact, it's a good idea to clean your phone once a week, even if there's nothing wrong with the sound quality of your phone's speakers. This prevents dirt from building up.
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