Macbook is one of the most popular laptops in the world. Whether it is appearance or performance, MacBook can do its best. With excellent features, the threats of thieves and hackers are included in the package. It is easy to cause a lot of negative attention, so it is more necessary to protect it. Moreover, Macbook may have other risks of getting fraud, such as screen cracking, battery failure, boot failure, and other problems not expected, here comes a tip on how to secure your Macbook to avoid such frauds.
That being said, you can protect your MacBook in many ways. Let's take a look at the tips to make your laptop impenetrable:
- Always keep updated:
To ensure the safety of your laptop, be sure to update it according to the latest software. Although macOS sends notifications periodically, you can also check for updates manually. You can find software updates in the Finder under the heading "About This Mac". Keeping up with software updates will help you prevent hackers from intruding and protect your MacBook.
- Use firewall:
Mac operating systems tend to have a built-in firewall. This firewall helps prevent intruders from entering the MacBook via the LAN or the Internet. It will ensure the security of personal data in your laptop.
To enable the firewall on your MacBook, you can go to "System Preferences" and click "Security and Privacy." Under this setting, you can find firewall settings.
- Encryption rescue:
Another feature that can protect your precious MacBook is encryption. There is a feature called FileVault that is used to encrypt data. This feature is disabled by default, so to encrypt your data on your MacBook, you need to enable it.
On MacBook laptops, you can go to the FileVault tab to enable encryption. There, you can select the preferred radio button to choose whether you want to access the data or generate a decryption key to perform this operation.
- Use strong passwords:
It sounds obvious that having a complex and strong password is a foolproof way to protect your MacBook. Setting a strong password for your laptop can prevent unethical hackers from entering. To protect your laptop, you can choose a complex password or get help from the password assistant tool built into your MacBook.
- Obtain antivirus software:
In addition to the above tips, you can also install antivirus software for your MacBook. It can help you protect third-party downloads and protect your laptop from imminent threats.
- Use screen protector.
Applying a screen protector will help to reduce the risk of screen cracking and keep dust away from the screen.
- Apply a protective sleeve or case for your Macbook
Applying a protective sleeve or case while carrying your Macbook, the case and sleeve will reduce the damage of falling.
The above said ways will keep your Macbook safe in most cases. However, if you find your Macbook broken, you should repair it intime to preventer further problems. For the slight damage of the Macbook parts, you can replace them with Macbook repair parts.
Oriwhiz is a reliable Macbook repair parts supplier provides different repair parts for Macbook, if you would like to buy Macbook screen replacement or other parts, please feel free to click on products category and select the product you want.