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How to deal with my mobile phone screen is unclear?

You may periodically notice that your phone's screen is blurry or distorted. There are several reasons why the screen might be blurry. For example, you might drop your device in the sink or on the floor. If you have a hardware problem with your phone that cannot be fixed by resetting the phone, you will need to have the device physically repaired. If the screen remains blurry after resetting the device, the phone may have a hardware problem. There are a few steps you can take to get your phone back to normal before taking it in for repair.

  1. Check for damage

Check your phone equipment for water/liquid damage. Remove the battery case and find the sticker that warns you that your device is wet. If the sticker changes from white to any other color, the device can be damaged by water. If the screen is damaged due to water damage, it cannot be fixed by resetting the device, as this is a physical hardware issue, not a software issue.

In that case, take your phone to the supplier's retail location and have them fix the device. Be prepared to pay for any repairs or replacements, especially if your phone is out of warranty. The mobile phone provider will tell you if your phone has expired. Keep in mind that if the iPhone or Android screen is blurry, the recovery steps are usually the same.

  1. Dry your phone

If your phone is damaged by water, please dry it. Blow the battery and excess water with a dry cloth or paper towel. If necessary, gently press the screen to remove excess moisture. Leave the phone and battery to dry where they won't get wet.

For example, place the device on the window seal when the window is closed. If it rains, the device could be further damaged. Do not allow equipment to dry near a heat source, such as an oven or heater. Let the phone dry for three days before turning it on.

Also consider placing your phone in a bag of rice. If possible, remove the battery and leave the whole device in the rice for a few days. The rice absorbs water, which will eventually help draw water from the phone. In some cases, it will work after a day, but often takes a few days in rice.

  1. Restart your phone

Perform soft reset on the device. It can be cleared by simply resetting the screen. Performing a "soft reset" simply reboots the phone without destroying the data you have saved on the device. Hold down the "power" button for a few seconds to turn off the device. Remove the battery case and battery from the device. Replace the battery and battery cover after a few seconds. The device is powered on.

  1. Hard reset description

Perform "hard Reset" to restore your phone to its factory state. A hard reset erases all data on the device. Use this option if you have ruled out water damage to the screen and a soft reset does not solve the problem. The instructions to perform a "hard reset" vary from device to device.

If you still have problems with your screen after trying the above methods, you may need to replace your phone's screen!---You can contact Oriwhiz. Oriwhiz is a professional iPhone, iPad, iMac, Mac Book, Xiaomi, Huawei, Samsung, Sony, LG, Asus repair parts and repair tools supplier which has served thousands of repair shops with wholesale parts and hundreds of thousands of individual customers with the parts needed to fix their own iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and other digital devices.

Oriwhiz products can meet your needs, if you are looking for high-quality mobile phone repair parts, just browse, choose the product you want.


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