The Macbook LCD screen has a red and green description
The Macbook screen is prone to dust over time due to the peeling of the screen coating, so use a wet paper towel to scrub the screen. Then the color of the wiped part of the screen changed, with the black turning green and the white turning red. Check the battery condition, the result shows that the battery is all normal. But over time, the macbook LCD screen color gradually became normal.
Why does the Macbook LCD screen appear red and green?
It is called green gate or glue gate. The reason may be that the screen was wiped with water.When moisture goes inside to the screen it removes the glue gate or LCD,that’s why the green tint shows up. The principle that the screen automatically recovers within a certain period of time is as follows:UV makes it bond again,your macbook LCD screen itself has a low UV light to cure the glue gate that is why it will disappear after few minutes or hours. But when the display stops lighting up, it still turns green because It cannot be completely repaired.
How to solve the Macbook LCD screen problem?
The solution is to put your macbook in the sun. Because sun has high UV that can cure the LCD glue. However, pay attention to protect the lower part of your machine, to prevent excessive temperature damage to the battery. Every day, you need to take it back to your room to cool for an hour after every hour until you finish the 3 hour sunlight curing.
How do I maintain my Macbook LCD screen?
1.Use only lint free soft cloth and avoid rough cloth towels, paper towels or similar items.
2.Avoid excessive wiping, which may cause damage.
3.Disconnect all external power supplies, equipment and cables.
4.Don't let the opening get damp.
5.Do not use spray, bleach or abrasive.
6.Do not spray detergent directly onto the product.
7.Keep the product away from liquids unless otherwise specified for the specific product.
Macbook LCD screen supplier
Oriwhiz.com helps you to fix and repair Macbook easily with affordable Macbook repair parts and replacements. If you are facing a problem of a Macbook screen failing or Macbook LCD screen damage or you run a repair shop, you may need to buy a Macbook LCD screen replacement, or you need to buy Macbook repair parts in bulk. Feel free to browse the Macbook repair parts section and find what you need.