If your cell phone battery is down to 10%, charge it up -- with more and more cell phone use, the battery is a major issue. Many people don't feel safe when their phone's battery drops below 50%, and only a power bank or charger will feel safe enough. Batteries in electronics have a life span. Cell phones last a full day when you first buy them, but after three or five years, they don't seem to last that long.
What's going on here? How to charge properly to make your phone battery more durable? From this article, you can get the answer.
How to charge your phone properly? 100% on every charge?
Some people keep their phones "fully charged" at all times to maintain a safe battery. But leaving a battery at full or high charge for long periods of time can accelerate its aging and make it less durable. Therefore, after the phone is fully charged, the charger should be unplugged in time to avoid a long time in the state of the high battery, in order to prolong the battery life.
Most of us have a habit of charging our mobile phones before going to bed at night, but don't unplug your phone in the middle of the night to protect the battery!
Some mobile phone manufacturers have been considering this problem, in order to slow down the cell aging, some mobile phone charging at night when the first mobile phone quick charge to 80% of the battery, and then to "slow" filling in the form of a trickle charge according to each user habit of wake up in the morning, get up in the two hours before the cell phone battery charger from 80% to 100%. This design greatly reduces the amount of time the battery spends at full charge, making the battery more durable.
Start charging below 20%?
In general, keeping your phone at 30% to 80% battery charge will make it more durable, and when it drops below 20%, it needs to be recharged in time. But you don't have to wait until the charge is less than 20% to recharge. Lithium-ion batteries are designed to be charged in small amounts over a period of time.
When charging your phone, plug it in first or charger?
Which of the following do you do first to charge your mobile phone? Plug the cable into the phone or the charger into the socket first?
In fact, this tiny difference is crucial to your phone's battery life. Before we get to the answer, we need to understand what a surge is.
A surge, also known as a surge, is a transient overvoltage that exceeds normal operating voltage, occurring over a period of only a few millionths of a second. When you put your ear to your phone as you start charging it, you might hear a slight buzzing sound, caused by a surge.
The proper way to charge a mobile phone is to first insert the plug into the socket and then plug the cable into the phone.
But if you plug the cable into the phone first, and then plug in the power, the moment may produce a large surge, which will damage the phone in the long run. Following the right steps to charge your phone will not completely eliminate surges, but it will largely avoid the direct impact of excessive surges on your phone.
After charging, which end is unplugged first?
Similarly, unplug your phone after charging it.
When the charger is removed, it is easy to generate reverse transient current, which can lead to accelerated aging and shortened battery life.
Most people keep the charging plug in the battery bar for convenience, a habit that can reduce the damage caused by surges. Also, if you're using an anti-surge charger and an original charger, it doesn't matter which end you plugin first.
About Oriwhiz
Oriwhiz (Shenzhen DongYe Tengfei Electronics Co.,Ltd) is a professional phone repair parts, iPhone, iPad, iMac, MacBook, Xiaomi, Huawei, Samsung, Sony, LG, Asus repair parts and repair tools supplier which has served thousands of repair shops with wholesale parts and hundreds of thousands of individual customers with the parts needed to fix their own iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and other digital devices.
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